Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ethan's 1st Trip to Indiana

Ethan brought Olivia and his mommy and daddy to Indiana last week for a visit.  We enjoyed having them here so much that I didn't take many pictures....too busy playing!  However, here are a few.

 Great Mamma meeting Ethan (with the quilt she made him)
 This child is adorable!!!!   
 And happy, too!
 Tummy time
 Ian playing the drums while O and Grammy play the tambourines
 Olivia and Brenna going to help Pops get Ian off the bus
 Putting their babies to bed.....priceless! 
 Ethan with Great Pa
Grammy playing Trotty Horse with the girls
So. Much. Fun!!!!!!
Thank you Lindsay and Troy for enduring an unhappy, stuck-in-the-carseat baby and making the long trip to IN!  It was a blessing to have you here!
We love you!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

4 Years!

Four years ago today, we brought this little guy home from Jamaica and how our lives have been blessed! We still can't understand why someone didn't snatch him up years before we found him but are so thankful that God chose us to be his forever parents and for the love and protection he had prior to meeting these crazy white people.  We tried to prepare him but there is no way he could understand how his world was about to change.  

He might have been nervous but in true Ian fashion, he had the flight attendants wrapped around his little finger in no time!
 Meeting the siblings for the first time after getting off the plane.
 He looked a bit overwhelmed at first but as soon as he saw the balloons and truck that Mimi and Pa brought, he was all smiles!
Posing with the kids shortly after coming home......
And, look at him now!

He's had 2 surgeries, doubled his weight, grown a ton, uses a communication device and power chair, LOVES school, loves life, and is becoming such a handsome young man!  We have learned so much from Ian and he continues to teach us what it means to be content and full of joy.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Getaway

With an extra day off of school and work, we decided to make a trip to Mom-mom and Dad-dad's at the beautiful Rough River Reservoir and had a blast out of the lake!  We headed over to the boat on Saturday morning and stayed out all day.  It was so much fun!!!
 Jeremy and Dad
 Mom and Ian (or is it Ray Charles?)
 It looks like Lucas was chillin in the water but actually Lucas doesn't "chill" anywhere - I just happened to catch him in that position.  :-)
 Mom-mom, Jeremy and Lucas
 Lucas started out wanting Mom to tube with him but it didn't last long.  He was ready to boot me off pretty quickly and do it by himself.
 Jeremy got brave!
 Mom-mom and Ian pretending to be asleep (Ian is not very good at it!)

 Dad-dad tirelessly drove us all over that huge lake while the thermometer said 99 degrees.
 Cutest little muscle man!
 Not to be outdone, Ian shows his muscles, too!
 Jeremy did a good job driving the boat.

 We took the boat out again on Sunday afternoon/evening and stayed out until dark.  So, so beautiful and peaceful.  We didn't want to leave.
 Thank you, Mom-mom and Dad-dad for letting us come and for all the delicious food and boating and for loving on our boys!  
We love you!