Friday, December 11, 2009


Apologies for the lack of entries but we've been busy with Christmas shopping and decorating. However, amidst the holiday hoopla, we have visited another PT/OT and loved them! They are a husband/wife team and are very knowledgeable and experienced and just awesome! I learned more in 90 minutes with them than I have in the last several weeks/months. So, we are looking forward to starting some agressive therapy soon!
Today we visited the school where Ian will attend, starting in January. He loved it and didn't want to leave, so I think that's a good sign. I'm very impressed with his teacher and what she accomplishes with the challenging kids she has. Ian is in love with her and wanted her to come home with us. The nurse who is in his classroom watched me feed him and then, did it herself and will do fine, once she realizes that she can't let him manipulate her (such as using the pouty lip when he doesn't want to eat!) We will visit again next week and also have a visit from a "homebound teacher" before the Christmas break.
I don't have any pictures yet from therapy or school so here is just a random photo in the Yuk Truck.

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